• A member can be any Texas organization of and for persons who are blind or visually impaired.  Participating organizations include private agencies, membership organizations, and companies which operate in Texas.  New members are added by 2/3 vote of the membership.  Dues are $50 a year.
  • An associate member is a non-voting membership category open to any interested individual.  Associate members receive AVIT minutes & are welcome to participate in AVIT activities.  Membership dues are $10 annually.
  • The proposal process is used by AVIT to formally initiate, support, or oppose an issue related to specific legislation, commission appointments, state board action, or any other formal action AVIT would deem necessary.
  • A unanimous agreement by all members voting is necessary for AVIT to act on any proposal.
  • Officers (chair, vice-chair, secretary, and treasurer) are elected from the authorized representatives of the member organizations or any one belonging to the member organization as an officially endorsed representative of their organization.

Our Committees

Five standing committees need active participation from families, consumers, and professionals.

  • The Membership Committee recruits members.
  • The Fund Raising Committee raises money for the operation of the Alliance.
  • The State Policy Monitoring Committee tracks state legislation and policy matters impacting children and adults with visual impairments and reports regularly to the membership.
  • The National Policy Monitoring Committee tracks federal legislation and policy issues which impact children and adults with visual impairments and reports regularly to the membership.
  • The Master Calendar Committee develops and disseminates to the Alliance, on a regular basis, a list of meetings, conferences, hearings, seminars, and special events that are hosted by or are of interest to the membership.